27th Southeastern Analysis Meeting and John Conway Day

SEAM 27 will be held in conjuction with John Conway Day on Thursday March 17, 2011 on the occassion of his upcoming retirement in recognition of his influence on function theoretic operator theory, his many students and collaborators, and for contributions to SEAM. The combined meeting will take place on the University of Florida campus from the morning of March 17 through the afternoon of March 19, 2011. Visit the SEAM 27 website for complete details.

Organizers are:

  • Wing Suet Li, Georgia Tech
  • Scott McCullough, University of Florida

SEAM Plenary Speakers:

  • Hari Bercovici (tentative), Indiana Univeristy
  • Don Hadwin, University of New Hampshire
  • J. William Helton, University of California, San Diego
  • Mrinal Raghupathi, Vanderbilt University
  • Stefan Richter, University of Tennessee
  • Brett Wick, Georgia Tech
  • Manwah Lilian Wong, Georgia Tech/University of Oklahoma