The Flying Teacups

The material on these pages was adapted from Calculus Projects Using Matheamtica, Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 and 1996 by A. D. Andrew, G. L. Cain, S. S. Crum and T. D. Morley. Used with permission.

In this project you are asked to model the motion of a famous carnival ride known as "The Flying Teacups". The ride consists of four spokes at right angles to each other, each about 25 feet long, which rotate counterclockwise in a horizontal plane.  At the end of each spoke a disk of smaller radius is attached, and this disk rotates clockwise about its center.  Generally, the small disk appears to have somewhat greater angular speed than does the imaginary disk of long spokes.      


The parametric equations for a circle are given below.  The variable r is the
radius and the variable
a denotes the angular speed and direction of rotation.

x[t_]:= r Cos[a t]
y[t_]:= r Sin[a t]
ParametricPlot[{x[t],y[t]},{t,0,20}, AspectRatio->Automatic]

A set of parametric equations can be represented in Mathematica in the form of a vector.  



The influence one curve has on another is very curious.  
Try to figure out how the following curve is created from the above two curves.

Here is another set of parametric equations that may aid in the development of the model.
x[t_]:= r Cos[a t]+r2 Cos[a2 t]
y[t_]:= r Sin[a t]+r2 Sin[a2 t]
a2:= -2.5
r2:= 10
ParametricPlot[{x[t],y[t]},{t,0,20}, AspectRatio->Automatic]

Here is the Mathematica code for a description of the position
of a point 2 units inside a circle of radius r2 rotating inside along the rim of a larger
circle of radius r1.  The output is pretty interesting.  This type of curve is a modification
of the hypocycloid.

x1[t_]:={(r1+2-r2)Cos[t]+(r2+2) Cos[(r1+2-r2) t/r2],
               (r1+2-r2)Sin[t]-(r2+2) Sin[(r1+2-r2) t/r2]}

Once you have modeled the path of the ride, you are asked to find the total length of the trip. The following is the equation for the arclength of a Parametric curve.  The limits on integration are from t=0 to any time t.  You should already know the Mathematica code for integration. If you have forgotten just use the help functions.  Type ?Integrate for the proper syntax. Hint: try to use vector properties to simplify the calculation since parametric curves behave somewhat like vector equations.


Vector Equations
