Vassiliev Invariants of Virtual Legendrian Knots

Geometry Topology Seminar
Monday, November 25, 2013 - 2:00pm for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 006
Patricia Cahn – University of Pennsylvania
John Etnyre
We introduce a theory of virtual Legendrian knots. A virtual Legendrian knot is a cooriented wavefront on an oriented surface up to Legendrian isotopy of its lift to the unit cotangent bundle and stabilization and destablization of the surface away from the wavefront. We show that the groups of Vassiliev invariants of virtual Legendrian knots and of virtual framed knots are isomorphic. In particular, Vassiliev invariants cannot be used to distinguish virtual Legendrian knots that are isotopic as virtual framed knots and have equal virtual Maslov numbers. This is joint work with Asa Levi.