Efficient hybrid spatial-temporal operator learning

SIAM Student Seminar
Friday, March 29, 2024 - 11:00am for 1 hour (actually 50 minutes)
Skiles 005
Francesco Brarda – Emory University – francesco.brarda@emory.edu
Biraj Dahal

Recent advancements in operator-type neural networks, such as Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) and Deep Operator Network (DeepONet), have shown promising results in approximating the solutions of spatial-temporal Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). However, these neural networks often entail considerable training expenses, and may not always achieve the desired accuracy required in many scientific and engineering disciplines. In this paper, we propose a new operator learning framework to address these issues. The proposed paradigm leverages the traditional wisdom from numerical PDE theory and techniques to refine the pipeline of existing operator neural networks. Specifically, the proposed architecture initiates the training for a single or a few epochs for the operator-type neural networks in consideration, concluding with the freezing of the model parameters. The latter are then fed into an error correction scheme: a single parametrized linear spectral layer trained with a convex loss function defined through a reliable functional-type a posteriori error estimator.This design allows the operator neural networks to effectively tackle low-frequency errors, while the added linear layer addresses high-frequency errors. Numerical experiments on a commonly used benchmark of 2D Navier-Stokes equations demonstrate improvements in both computational time and accuracy, compared to existing FNO variants and traditional numerical approaches.