Workshop in Analysis

December 3, 2023


This workshop will take place in the Student Success Center Press room A & B from 12/8 -- 12/10, and aims to bring together researchers working in various branches of Analysis for an exciting and fruitful weekend. Due to the broad focus of our workshop, the talks will be aimed at a fairly general audience of analysts. If there is an interest, in addition to the talks we will have posters.



Atlanta, GA, Georgia Tech campus; on Firday it will take place at Student Success Center (Press room A and Press room B) and on Saturday and Sunday it is at Klaus building (1116E, 1116W). See also the interactive campus map, or this google maps screenshot.



Catherine Beneteau, University of South Florida
Adam Black, Yale University
Alan Chang, Washington University in St. Louis
Manuel Fernandez, Georgia Tech
Christina Giannitsi, Vanderbilt
Rachel Greenfeld, IAS
Chris Heil, Georgia Tech
Orli Herscovici, St. John's University, NY
Plamen Iliev, Georgia Tech
Alex Iosevich, University of Rochester
Paata Ivanisvili*, UC Irvine
Dmitry Khavinson, University of South Florida
Lyudmila Kryvonos, Vanderbilt University
Michael Lacey, Georgia Tech
Doron Lubinsky, Georgia Tech
Neil Lyall, University of Georgia
Jose Madrid, Virginia Tech
Akos Magyar, University of Georgia
Michelle Mastrianni, University of Minnesota
Azita Mayeli, SUNY
Tomás Merchán-Rodriguez, Clayton State University
Mishko Mitkowski, Clemson University
Abdon Moutinho, Georgia Tech
Stephanie Mui, Georgia Tech
Eyvindur Palsson, Virginia Tech
Alexei Poltoratski, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jill Pipher*, Brown University
Sasha Reznikov, Florida State University
Dima Ryabogin, Kent State University
Paul Simanjuntak, Texas A\&M
Mariana Smit Vega Garcia, Western Washington University
Brandon Sweeting, University of Alabama
Krystal Taylor, the Ohio State University
Konstantin Tikhomirov*, Carnegie Melon
Manasa Vempati, University of Louisiana
Sasha Volberg, Michigan State University
Brett Wick, Washington University in St. Louis
Kasia Wyzsesany, Carnegie Melon
Ashley Zhang, Vanderbilt
Artem Zvavitch, Kent State University



Dmytro Bilyk
Gong Chen
Benjamin Jaye
Galyna Livshyts
Shahaf Nitzan
The organizers are thankful to Aminnah Witten for her invaluable help!



Please register here. More information can be found on the Workshop in Analysis Information Webpage

For More Information Contact

Sal Barone